Trusted and secure Social Ecosystem where you control your data and you earn money!

Secure encrypted chat and calls.

Your data and privacy is yours!

Only consented advertising.

Earn for data and engagement.

Get Cashback when you shop

Less racism and hate speech!

QENDI Ethical Global Social Ecosystem:
Distributed. Democratized. Sustainable.

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Solving the Social Dilemma

Qendi is part of the DISEO network.

What’s different?


Secure end-to-end encrypted chat and audio/video calls without ability of others to access, read or listen the information in it, not even by us. More


Nobody can call & chat with you without your prior connect confirmation! Limit display of posts to verified users to reduce racism and hate comments. More


Your data is yours. Only yours. You control who can access/use your data and you you earn real money from advertising, sponsoring and more. More


In addition to earning from data access (targeting), you can earn for engagement such as sharing, favoring, recommending, streaming and more. More


Verify your identity, education, job info. This increases your value for earning & connecting. It helps to eliminate racism and hate speech! More


We promote freedom of speech. We avoid to close accounts and delete content. Instead, user ratings reduce visibility of bad content and bad actors. More


Users rate users and businesses. This enables ecosystem self-control. Verified users count 10x, trust agents count 100x. Apply as trust agent! More


Verified users have the power to rate companies for their sustainability effort. What an impact you create when only purchasing from sustainable companies! More


When verifying your identity, you receive an integrated real-money wallet (18+). Now you can freely receive, spend and send money. More


When you shop on the QENDI app, you pay the full amount and get money (the cashback) back to your wallet later. More

Revenue Share

Those who help you to earn money receive a revenue share. This is attractive. Everyone wins. This enables you to earn even more money. More


Communities operate their own platform. You choose one of them. They pay for costs of service. In return they receive a revenue share of each transaction. More


We created the rules for behavior, protection, interaction, earning, sharing, etc. We will make you to vote on it – to create a large global social democracy! More

Good to know

For bringing a person to a QENDI-powered community platform you receive a lifetime revenue share of that persons earnings and spendings on the entire QENDI ecosystem! More

Bring your community to QENDI! You enable your community to create additional income as revenue share from all transactions of their community members. More

We aim to grow quickly. While gaining users QENDI will grow in its value. You can participate in this gain by buying receiving company shares of QENDI. More

Bring an advertiser to QENDI! For this you also receive a revenue share of the advertisement budget spend on the QENDI ecosystem. More

Important to know

Everything which is written here is a guaranteed promise. We want to become the largest digital initiative of Europe. The most ethical and most exciting and fastest growing network.

Not all described has yet been fully implemented. Most is already here and new elements are added weekly. The features available, including streaming are already very rich. Please help us to improve.

Not yet completed but following soon for example: managing multiple profiles of multiple types (private, business, …), a wallet for people under 18 years through their parents, channels by persons, …

Be patient, the system is not yet rich in users and content. That will change quickly. Help us to create quality content and to add users, you will earn from it. The earlier you engage, the more you earn.

While more content is added we will improve the display algorithms. You will control them, together with the communities that you join. You will also control the quality of content through the trust index.

Currently, there are few earning offerings by brands. That will change quickly. Brands will find that it is more beneficial to pay you instead of large platforms. Please help us to add paying businesses.

Rate either persons or companies anytime and change it anytime. Rating creates pressure on non-sustainable companies. Imagine what happens when many users change their rating at the same time!

Help us to grow. There are many roles you can take. Get in touch with us. We are looking for doers and shapers, and of course for supporters. Become part of this exciting journey and revolutionize social media.

How to continue?

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Do what you always to do on social media. Connect. Interact. Enjoy. But now you earn money. For attracting users. For creating good content which attracts followers. For streaming an event and adding sponsors or receiving donations. For engaging with brands and recommending them.

Rich Experience

My data.

My choice.

My control.

You exclusively own your data. Nobody has access to it unless with your permission. Nobody can reach you unless with your permission. No chat and no calls without your prior approval. You are in full control with whom to connect. You can even earn money for your data!

Digital Identity




It’s for free. No download fee. No monthly fee. We make you to earn money from your data. Everyone benefits. Influencers, network, community, ecosystem who help you to earn receive a revenue share. La communauté que tu rejoins paie des frais d'utilisation. QENDI fournit l'écosystème. Juste et transparent.  

Partage du contrôle




Et le meilleur est : Vous recevez un porte-monnaie intégré pour gagner, économiser et dépenser de l'argent réel. Le porte-monnaie est fourni par un partenaire financier. Vous pouvez gagner de l'argent en faisant de la publicité ou en vous engageant avec des marques. Vous pouvez utiliser cet argent librement, l'envoyer à des amis ou sur votre compte bancaire. Ou vous pouvez l'utiliser comme don pour une bonne cause afin d'augmenter votre indice social.

Gagner - Enregistrer - Dépenser




Économise de l'argent lors de tes achats avec nos plus de 300 partenaires cashback !

Qu'est-ce que la remise en argent ?

Lorsque vous faites vos achats sur l'application QENDI, vous payez la totalité du montant et recevez de l'argent (cashback) à votre porte-monnaie plus tard.

Il est important d'ouvrir l'application QENDI avant chaque achat en ligne et de sélectionner la boutique en ligne souhaitée du partenaire de remboursement et de continuer à faire des achats. Cela garantira que le remboursement sera crédité sur votre QENDI Wallet.

À venir

Liste de partenaires

Quelques-uns de nos meilleurs partenaires où vous pouvez obtenir une remise en argent




Créer un impact pour faire de ce monde un meilleur endroit. Vous pouvez soutenir des projets ESG. Vous évaluez les entreprises en fonction de la confiance que vous leur accordez ou de votre conviction qu'elles agissent de manière durable. Vous pouvez aider à rabaisser les entreprises pour les motiver à s'améliorer. Ou vous pouvez récompenser les entreprises en reconnaissance de leurs efforts. Cela augmente leur attractivité pour les acheteurs soucieux de la durabilité.

Objectifs de développement durable


Un seul compte avec plusieurs profils sur plusieurs communautés pour tous vos besoins sociaux.

Evalue les marques sur la manière dont elles contribuent à sauver notre planète. Utilise leur index social pour tes décisions d'achat.

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Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?

Prenez le contrôle de vos données et tirez profit des données et de l'engagement.

Comment puis-je contrôler mes données ?

  • Tous les appels et les conversations sont entièrement cryptés.

  • Gérer de multiples profils à des fins multiples.

  • Contrôle sur quelle communauté utiliser quel profil.

  • Vos données sont stockées dans l'Union européenne.

  • Vous pouvez également choisir le pays dans lequel vos données sont stockées.

  • Votre compte gratuit comprend 5 Go d'espace de stockage.

Pourquoi ai-je besoin de choisir une communauté ?

En sélectionnant une communauté, vous choisissez un domaine d'intérêt pour rencontrer facilement des personnes qui vous ressemblent. Et vous permettez à votre communauté de gagner.

  • Sélectionner une communauté sur l'application 'QENDI'.

  • Les communautés peuvent également avoir leur propre application interconnectée.

  • Les communautés se concentrent sur les services et le contenu d'un thème.

  • Les communautés peuvent demander des frais d'adhésion.

  • Les communautés paient des frais d'utilisation et reçoivent une part des recettes.

  • Sign in to to manage your communities.

How can I earn?

You can earn for data and for engagement. Instead of brands paying mega platforms, they pay you. Your earning is automatically and instantly shared with value contributors of the transaction.

  • Gain quality followers to be attractive for sponsors.

  • Create posts that go viral and accept sponsors.

  • Create interesting projects and receive donations.

  • Click advertisements and get paid for brand interaction.

  • Get paid for recommending a brand to a connection.

  • Favor a brand and get paid for being a brand ambassador.

Do I earn for attracting users?

When you successfully invite persons or businesses to any community of QENDI you receive a lifetime revenue share of their revenues.

  • Use „Tell-A-Friend“ in the menu of the app to invite.

  • Let your personal QR code in the menu of the app scan by a person you would like to invite. Or sign in to to download your QR code. Use this code in your mails, on business cards or on flyers to invite.

  • When invited persons register, they automatically follow you. As their introducer and you will automatically receive a lifetime revenue share on all their earnings and spendings of 0.1%.

How can I get a wallet?

To earn from brands you need to add a wallet. It’s free. Wallets are provided by regulated financial institutions to people older than 18 years. There is no obligation to get a wallet. 

  • After registration select „Document Verification“.

  • Choose a wallet provider available in your country.

  • Verify your identity and your address.

  • Upon approval a wallet is automatically added.

  • Wallets are available for most countries. Exception: USA, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cambodia, China, Columbia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan and Vietnam.

What are the wallet fees?

There are no fixed costs – no setup fee, no monthly fee. You can transfer money to someone in another country for only 0.3 percent – independent on the amount, even for small amounts. 

Transaction Fee
Promotion, commerce, donation included
Payment, money transfer inside QENDI (send) 0.3%
Bank Transfer to QENDI (add) 2%*
Payment by credit card (add) 4%*
Transfer to third party bank (take) 2%*

*This is a typical fee. This fee is applied by the wallet provider. 

How is content controlled?

Content is controlled by the users through the trust index. High ratings increase visibility of content. Low ratings decrease visibility.

  • Everyone has freedom of speech according to the laws of the domicile of the user.

  • Verified users may suppress content of unverified users.

  • Verified users rate other users with their trust index.

  • A user with a high trust index has high content visibility and vice versa for a user with a low trust index.

  • In addition every user can report bad content.

How is revenue shared?

Revenue is shared among everyone who adds value to the transaction. Revenue sharing is different for each type of revenue.

Transaction Beneficiary Payout Bonus Rest
Promotion User 25% 10% shared
Commerce Vendor 85% 5% shared
Donation Beneficiary 95% 0% shared
Transfer Receiver 97.7% 0% shared
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Who benefits?

  • Influencer for telling everyone.

  • Organizer/Shop for hosting the transaction.

  • Alliance System for joining forces.

  • Advisor/Agent for empowering the user.

  • Manager/Agency for triggering engagement.

  • Introducer/Community for bringing users.

  • Developer for developing a valuable service.

  • Wallet Provider for facilitating the transaction.

  • Referrer/Marketer for bringing advertisers.

  • Community for operating/providing platform.

How can I start?

It is very simple. Download the app. Register. Explore. Tell others.

  • Download the app „QENDI by DISEO“ from the app stores.

  • Choose a community. It pays for your usage costs.

  • Create an account with phone or email and password.

  • Add some information about yourself to connect to others.

  • Search for interesting people and invite them to connect.

  • Invite others to the platform and earn a revenue share.

  • Engage with brands and earn as their brand ambassador.

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