
Do what you always do on social media – but control your data and earn!

Search & Connect

Create your own network of people, organizations, businesses, brands, locations, services, goods, projects, events, and more.

  • Search for like-minded people.

  • Send them a connect invite for chat & calls

  • Search for interesting brands and things.

  • Follow them to get their contributions.

Manage & Control

Manage your personal data, followings, connections, sponsors, communities, permissions, settings, preferences, etc.

  • Receive, accept or reject connection invites.

  • Disconnect from connections any time.

  • Approve or deny sponsor requests.

  • Manage your permissions and preferences.

Explore & Enjoy

In your feed you find interesting contributions of profiles that you follow and based on your interests supported by AI.

  • Explore your feed based on followings.

  • Explore trends based on your interests.

  • Find recommendations of your community.

  • Enjoy posts, videos, streams of all kind.

Chat & Call

Chat and call with your friends. You can only be reached by person which you have approved. No unsolicited chats and calls!

  • Chat and call after mutual connection.

  • Personal chat with rich features.

  • Group chat and moderated chat.

  • Audio/video calls and conference calls.

Host & Discuss

Manage as many channels of different topics as you like, build your audience and earn income from your big reach.

  • Create your own channel.

  • Host a group chat and show videos.

  • Manage your audience and members.

  • Earn from sponsoring or subscription.

Show & Present

Impress your audience. Manage your photos and videos. In addition create shows related to specific topics.

  • Photos are automaticlly added from posts.

  • Manage your collection of videos.

  • Create shows of photos and videos.

  • Add beautiful sales presentations.

Interact & Earn

Earn income from interacting with advertisers and sponsors. Click to open the profile of the advertiser or sponsor.

  • Give permission for advertising.

  • Earn for clicking or sharing advertising.

  • Click on sponsors below the posts.

  • Content creator earns, you earn as well.

Rate & Influence

Create an ethical impact my rating users and businesses for their quality, reliability and sustainability.

  • Rate profiles to express your trust.

  • Your rating is also used for social index.

  • Social index shows sustainability.

  • Social index supports purchases decisions.

Engage & Earn

Become a brand ambassador and earn for adding brands to your favorites and by recommending them.

  • Earn for adding a brand to your favorites.

  • By favoring you become brand ambassador.

  • Earn for recommending a brand to a friend.

  • Recommendations are sent by chat.

Follow & Donate

Support sustainable projects by sharing them with your network and donate any amount, even a small one.

  • Search for interesting projects.

  • Follow them to receive updates.

  • Examine the impact they create.

  • Support them with any donation.

Participate & Win

Participate in competitions to win. Or create your own competitions with many participants and earn from sponsors.

  • Participate in competitions and tell others.

  • Increase your ranking to win.

  • Create your own attractive competition .

  • Add sponsors and receive a revenue share.

We fix social media through decentralization.

Each unique, all connected.

Every community in any industry gets its own autonomous QENDI-powered mobile social media & commerce platform. Each community app is unique and has all state-of-the-art social media and commerce functions.

All DISEO-powered platforms are seamlessly connected to one global decentralized mega platform.

Users exclusively control their data.

Each verified user receives a unique, real and 100% private Digital ID with integrated wallet. In a next phase Blockchain technology will be applied to increase security and user control.

QENDI is committed to fair revenue share and the highest ethical standards on data privacy and safety. Connecting the world with neutral SWISS SAFE infrastructure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have a wallet as a minor?2021-01-31T02:08:27+00:00

Wallets are currently not available for minors. We plan that parents can verify themselves for receiving several wallets such that they can assign a wallet to their children.

How does child protection work?2021-01-30T18:33:43+00:00

Following will be implemented soon: Profiles of minor persons are not visible to adults. However, adults, could still pretend with an unverified profile to be a child and try to interact with children. Therefore we highly recommend minor persons to seek verification. Profiles of verified minors will only be visible to other verified minors, they can search for adults (for example relatives) to connect. Only after a connect invitation those adults will the the profile of the inviting child.

How can I open a profile as an organization?2021-07-06T10:59:37+00:00

Profiles of organizations can only be opened by a legal entity such as a business, club or institution which is entitled to open a bank account. This helps to ensure a high content quality.

What is the difference between user, organization, community?2021-01-30T18:08:29+00:00

A user (natural person) has one or several profiles under one DISEO Digital Identity DDID. The user uses one or several communities. An organization is a legal entity with many sub-profiles. The profiles of persons and organizations and their content according to their permissions are available on all general communities with possibility to opt out and on special communities with possibility to opt in. Communities determine what services to offer related to their purpose and they also prioritize profiles and content. Communities pay the usage costs. In return they receive a revenue share.

What profile categories does DISEO support?2021-07-08T04:57:35+00:00

There are two main categories of profiles persons and organizations. Persons can create specialized profiles such as private, business, family, sport, education, politics, religion, casual, and more. Organizations have a master profile as legal entity and can create as many sub-profiles as needed and desired including, channels, brands, projects. These profiles are listed on search in their respective categories. More profiles such as locations, goods, services, events, jobs, will follow.

How is the DISEO Digital Identity used?2021-01-30T17:04:12+00:00

As a verified user you receive a DISEO Digital Identity DDID. The DDID contains all your data under your control. You login to your DDID through You can create multiple profiles of different purpose such as private, business, family, sport, education, politics, religion, casual, and more. Such speciality profiles are currently developed and available soon. It will enable you to use a specific profile for a specific community. We will apply Blockchain technologies to secure your DDID.

What type of communities do exist?2021-01-30T16:50:06+00:00

There are three types of communities: In ‚general communities‘ your profile is automatically listed and you can choose not to be listed by login in to In ’specific communities‘ your profile is not not listed unless you login to that community or you list it on ‚Restricted communities‘ require registration / login and may require approval.

How do I choose or change a community?2021-01-31T02:11:17+00:00

Communities can have their own app or they can choose to use the shared app CIRCLES by DISEO‘ You choose a community by either downloading their app and registering through them or by downloading ‚CIRCLES by DISEO‘ and selecting a community. This community will be your ‚root community‘. You can change the community in the menu of the ‚CIRCLES by DISEO‘ app and/or you can download any other community app powered by DISEO and login with the same account. The community that you logged in the most recently is your ‚home community‘. You can change your permission related to the communities by login in with your account to

Which wallet providers are currently available?2021-01-31T02:11:49+00:00

Currently we only have one wallet provider: CryptoCoin offers wallets to adult users in all countries except for: USA, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Cambodia, China, Columbia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan and Vietnam. More countries will become available, including USA. More wallet providers will follow.

What is a verified user2021-01-31T02:12:10+00:00

A verified user went through ‚Document Verification‘ to receive a wallet. As verified user you can earn, receive, save, spend, send money with your wallet. But as a verified user you have more privileges. You can rate other users and organizations. You can choose that only verified users can send you a connect invite. You can choose not to see profiles and content of unverified users.

Come posso ottenere un portafoglio?2021-01-31T02:12:33+00:00

In the menu of your app you can select „Document Verification“. You can then choose a wallet provider available in your country of domicile (currently one provider is available). You then need to verify yourself with official documents (as when you open a bank account). When choosing a different wallet provider you need to go through verification again. Minors cannot get their own wallet. Parents can have multiple wallet and provide a wallet to their children.

How is Blockchain technology used?2021-01-30T14:55:57+00:00

Blockchain will be added step by step. Your wallet and the currencies therein are built with blockchain and the transactions from wallet to wallet are made with Blockchain. It makes transactions secure and immutable. Transactions are instant, real-time and cannot be made undone. Transactions can be made with any amount, even with fractions of a cent, ideal for gaming, but highly secure even for very high amounts. We will add other Blockchain components such as Revenue Share, Digital Identity, Votings.

Which cryptocurrencies are supported?2021-01-31T02:13:24+00:00

DISEO supports any cryptocurrency that is supported by the wallet provider as chosen by the user. Communities can also issue their own cryptocurrency when partnering with a wallet provider. However, DISEO only supports the transfer of a few cryptocurrencies from wallet to wallet (currently Tether USDT = digital US$, more should follow). One reason is that inter-wallet transactions must be easy to maintain. Another reason is that a some cryptocurrencies are not suitable for micro-transaction as they charge high transaction fees.

How can I create my own community?2021-01-30T15:14:14+00:00

Anyone with a legal entity can open a DISEO-powered community platform to manage a community of any size. A legal entity is a registered business, but also municipality, school, institution, club and association or a sole proprietorship (single person business). We require the legal form in order to manage responsibilities. Communities receive a revenue share on each transaction of net revenues (= remaining revenues after payout of all beneficiaries). A free community version is available with a net revenue share of 10%. Paying communities can receive a net revenue share of up to 85%.

Who should create a community platform?2021-01-31T02:14:09+00:00

Anyone who provides news, services, goods, entertainment, events with a specific purpose can combine an existing platform (website or app) with the platform of DISEO to enable user-to-user interaction and community engagement. Rich user data which is managed under the control of users enables communities to perfectly tailor their services and offering to the needs of their users. It is ideal for sport clubs, companies, brands, organizations, political parties, churches, municipalities, and more. Customization possibilities are unlimited.

Which cryptocurrencies can I use?2021-01-31T02:14:31+00:00

You can use any cryptocurrency that is supported by your wallet provider. The wallet provider determines the fees to change between the currencies. The wallet provider also determines the fees to pay in from a bank account or to pay out to a bank account. DISEO determines the fee for wallet to wallet transaction of 0.3%. This fee is automatically deducted when you send money to another user. In other transactions the fee is included as a revenue share.

How much income can I expect?2021-01-31T02:15:03+00:00

Accept advertisement in settings and accept sponsor requests. Search for brands which offer a payment for recommending,  favoring or for promoting their products and services that helps them to reach their customers. There is no obligation for brands to offer payments. Therefore the offering is currently limited.

To create an audience is work. DISEO enables you to earn income from sponsoring by brands. With your permission these brands access your reach to your audience to reach their customers. They pay you for your work to create this reach. The user who clicks also earns, for giving the permission to be targeted. The higher the quality of you audience and the better your community matches the targeting criteria of your sponsor, the more you can earn.